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This is a small demo site built using Wax and Jekyll. Wax is an open source framework for the Jekyll static-site generator that contains a website theme and a set of automated tasks. These can be used to make a static website from a folder of images and a spreadsheet of item metadata. The theme can be configured to suit the needs of a particular project. Wax supports high-quality image collections and scholarly exhibits focused on longevity, low costs, and flexibility.

For testing purposes, I’ve added two photos, two poems, and two multi-page letters from Cardiff University’s Edward Thomas archive, with their metadata. Images were loaded as high resolution jpegs, and converted by the wax:derivatives task into IIIF tiled images, which can be viewed in an OpenSeaDragon viewer.

The images can be filtered via the homepage (see below), or via the Browse page. The metadata attached to the images can be keyword searched via the Search page - results update responsively as keywords are entered. An Exhibits collection holds sample pages featuring illustrated narratives in markdown. These support html iframes - allowing the inclusion of pre-existing IIIF content, as well as the images generated by Wax. One example demonstrates an inline image and iframe, while the other uses an inline parallax image.

Browse the Collection